Sunday, December 26, 2004

Jack Frost

Boxing day evening, and my arch enemy strikes again. Jack Frost has cast his icey spell over the roads, making it unsafe for us to travel North to Preston. So we are staying in Staines, its the rabbits birthday today, and its minus 3 degrees... I don't think they mind much just as long as they have lots of greens, carrots and raisins.

I hope that Santa brought everything that everyone wanted! I was spoilt with lovely presents, all the best PS2 games, a 3G phone, Bluetooth Adapter, and traditional slippers and socks!!!

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Home In Time For Christmas

Will I or won't I be home for Christmas? That is the question that needs to be answered today.

I am doing some silly promotional job that involves about 4 different companies one of whom is based in LA - who are currently 8 hours behind the UK, for the past two days now I have been moving text two pixels to the left, increasing font size, and fiddling with logos - one of which I was up all last night making perfect.

I have sent approval screens and the UK approved them, but now I have to wait till 5pm to find out if the US will approve them, if not I have been asked to work on Christmas flippin day! to which I replied, I think not... I am on holiday.... until the New Year!

My question is simple - do you think I will be home in time for Christmas - barring in mind I am not around tomorrow - doing that court thing all day!

Leaping Frogs, Red Indians and Midland Rogues

On the bus this evening, meandering slowly past Hyde Park corner, when I noticed two very strange men. They were leaping like frogs on the pavement in single file... not leaping over each other... buy merrily leaping along... dressed in running gear. Not quite sure why! Didnt have chance to ask!

Got to Victoria and just missed the 19:17 train home, so I had to get on the 19:36 to Brighton, which normally involves a change of trains along the line. In my carriage was a girl, dressed up as a red indian. This girl had two white poker dots on her cheeks, and was wearing a vivid looking outfit!

Two drunken men then got on the train and sat in the same carriage, and began to poke fun at her outfit. They asked her why she had tipex marks on her cheeks, and why she ressembled a red indian! She replied that this is her normal style, the men replied cool!

One of the two men just got off the phone, F*** he shouted at the top of his voice, the other guy asked whats up, he then started F'ing that he had just got the sack. Reason being that he took a day off work in 4 weeks, and his mate wanted to listen.

During this time, about 4 people got out of the carriage and moved down the train to get away from them. To which the men shouted, see you later you smelly b*****ds, didnt want to talk to you anyways.

We then found out that they guy who had got the sack, had been rude to his boss the other week, calling him a flid! No wonder eh!

They then walked off to go to the toilet, when they came out, we could hear them bellowing out, "where were we F***ing sitting" - "this way" one of the men shouted, and off they went to the next carriage!

Thank godness for that... I had a headache after staying late at work messing around with some sodding logos, just finished them now - lets hope that it all goes well in the morning!

Christmas is coming and the goose is getting fat!

Monday, December 20, 2004

Splitting Hell

Arrived at work this morning, bent down under my desk to plug in my mobile charger, and i fell over, on doing so - I split my pants!

Splitting hell... right by my crotch... I now have a massive hole near the manhood - lets just hope that nothing escapes!

Sunday, December 19, 2004

Road Rage

We were on our way home, from our weekend away, when we had to stop at a set of temporary roadwork traffic lights. The lights were on red, and some idiot in an oversized 4x4 put on their full-beam headlights, and began to flash me. Then they left their full-beam headlights on, blinding me... following this the lights turned to green... and the headlights were still on full-beam...

This really peeved me off - so I began to move through the traffic lights at a ludicrous speed of roughly 2mph to get my own back.

Emma decided it would be good to stick a finger up, and for some reason unknown to my own self-control, my hand pressed the electric windows down, and made a rude gesture out of the window...

I think it annoyed the other driver, so much that we were followed down the road, still with full-beams on... we thought it best to give the driver the slip, so we carried on down past the entrance to our house, round the corner, up the hill and down another turning... at which point the idiot driver turned off the full-beam headlights and carried on forwards...

It was then a case of us turning round, and heading home!

Stressy Sunday

My first post on a blog, wow I must say I am impressed... Im having my usual Sunday Evening stress, thinking about work tomorrow, planning my day in my head... Its Christmas day on Saturday, stressing about presents that need buying... and also stressing about a visit to court at which i must present evidence.

Sunday Stress!