Saturday, September 08, 2007

16 Blocks

Last night I ended up watching 16 Blocks with Bruce Willis and Mos Def. This is an awesome film, don't read this if you haven't watched it!

The story is about a cop who has just done a full nights work and then is asked at the end of his shift to escort a witness to court, the court is 16 Blocks away from the precinct and he has less that two hours to get him there!

We find out that the character that Bruce is playing has a bit of a drink problem and is at the end of his police journey! Bruce carries the character really well - and its not like any other role that I have seen him in before, theres non of the usual Bruce grimaces or 'wrong move' looks on his face...

The co-star Mos Def has an annoying voice all the way through the film, it sounded very put on, apologies Mos if that's how you really talk... It did grate on me a little bit... And there are times throughout the film that I found myself shouting shut the f**k up at the TV, the tone does get better further on, especially when there is some gun battles :)

We find out during the film that it was a setup and that Mos Def is to be assasinated on the way to the court, the attempt to kill him is thwarted by a semi-drunk Bruce Willis, who makes a stop at a liquer store, while he is in the store they try and kill the witness, although Bruce is too quick for them and pops a cap in the back of one of the assasins head just before he was about to do the same to Mos Def! The film goes into slow-mo at this point and we see a fraction of that bad ass Bruce as he takes out the rest of the mob...

The rest of the film is a race against time to get Mos Def to the court on time with many twists and turns along the way... Its definatly one of those classic action suspense films that you have to watch with a slight tear jerker ending!


Wednesday, August 22, 2007

15th November 2005

What is the significance of this date the 15th of November 2005? At around 13:27? Your thinking why the hell is he asking this question at 03:30ish in the morning... Well the answer is this; I went to bed at my usual time of late! Set my alarm clock to wake me up in the morning as I do everyday, time reads 23:30 date is 21st August 2007... I fall asleep - I then wake up about 20mins ago to go pee after waking suddenly from a bizzare dream, I check my phone to make sure my alarm is set and yes you guessed it my phone is now displaying this mysterious date and time... So why? Normally if my phone goes weird on me I lose everything and have to re-sync all my data and contacts such a chore!

If anyone knows what happened on the 15th November 2005 at around 13:27 I'd ne happy to hear from you!
