Friday, September 09, 2005


It's late and yet again I am pondering on the unknown

Time is running out at the moment for my Dad who currently suffers from Cancer of the Brain. I just wish I knew the future and how long we have left together, but I don't. I just have to keep telling myself that it will be okay, to be strong and hold it together, get on with my life and keep level headed!

I was inspired to write a poem the other day as I was feeling emotional and thought that I might share it with the blogging community, please feel free to comment on this, I would look forward to your words... It's called Indestructible here goes....


A fragile mind
For such a complex world
A life unkind

A disease we cannot cure
Holding on to your life
Taking away all that is pure

A place in our hearts
To be remembered by
The end to our future starts

A life misunderstood
The light's just gone out
Please shed no more tears, blood

We are not indestructible dad
Just flesh and bones
For me, it's all too soon, so sad...


That's it I feel better for sharing it with someone now, hope you were moved by these words! I'm off to bed now, travelling tomorrow so it will be a long day!

Nite Nite!

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