Monday, October 03, 2005

Suit you sir!

Noel what were you thinking wearing that suit today?

First day on the new job went a bit wrong, woke up 17mins before my train was due to depart, how I managed to get washed and dressed and on the train in time I'll never know - one thing I do know is that I must have sworn at least 50 times!

Then sat on the train, I forgot an important cable imperitive for a job, as luck would have it Noel brought his cable in on request, which was nice of him!

Got to work, arrived opened the iron door and then realised I hadn't picked up my key fob, so I had to wait like a lemon for someone to come and open the main door!

Grabbing some of my time back now, heading to my guitar lesson, missed it last week due to my appraisal, hope I didn't miss all the best bits!

Re-designed my site - fresh new colour, check it out and leave comments etc -

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