Wednesday, September 06, 2006


Well I went to the Flex seminar/pdf/ajax held at tiger tiger in london today and it was a massive eye opener for me, really interesting in the latest developments in the flash player and associated technolgies. Twas also introduced to the concept of Apollo, the ability to take the RIA experience from the web and to the desktop cross platform including linux.... I see a challenger for the Director market however I was unofficially told that the next verion of director is being developed, looking forward to that as long as they intergrate the Flex / ajax technology as it will be a true RIA experience and not a PIA as I currently call them (Poor Interactive Experience)

I'm pretty hammered after the free bar that Adobe laid on... So I better log off till I regain consciousness! Hope I spelt that correctly - always dan ;)

Friday, August 11, 2006

TV and the like

Made it, massive attendence. I think I was responsible for starting the queue that's stretching down tottenham court road!

I hear you asking what for - what's this crazy fool on about - I got shortlisted for an interview to go an a tv programme called Get Me The Producer, not sure if I would call it short - long by the look of the queue!

15 minutes to go and the queue is getting longer by the second, I hope it doesn't rain as I haven't come prepared eek!

Wish me luck!

Monday, July 24, 2006

Digital ghetto

Coming back from my by-weekly meeting with the department of social services when I was confronted by an army of musical terrorists, yes that's right the 1980`s ghetto blasting hood are back this time with a digital companion 'the ipod' and a nice set of battery powered Bose speakers!

Blasting out their urban vibes, to the not so cheery commuters, singing their hood rap to the likes of Snoop DO double G - and NWA - 'Fuck The Police' !

Only one man was brave enough to approach them to ask them to switch it off - however they replied with the words 'I paid for my ticket, home boy - tis rude to ask me to lower my stereo, upgrade to first class if you can't stand the bass' and turned up the volume to the tune of 'Busta Rhymes - Fired Up'.

They then gave the whole carriage an encore of the tune incoporating the story of the man who asked them to turn it off - lyrically speaking it was damn good - and even some people cheered and clapped - though the man they were dissing grunted quietly to himself. I personally found it funny and at one point felt the need to join in - however they were much ruder than I and I felt they might be carrying a knife or two - so best to leave the homies be, till the next time.

Today has been just another one of those days where it has been too hot to do anything but slack - however due to the fact that I am trying to get my feet off the ground I've been working my ass off and thus rewarded myself with a few pints of genius (thats Guinness to you fools) and a bag of dry roasted! Boy it is rewarding.

I visited another work from home studio that has been going for 20 years plus and they had two Ferrari's on the drive - it goes to show, if you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything! Image isn't everything, if you can present yourself to the industry well with a clear mind set then you will succeed and you will meet your goals. It just takes patience, and a calm approach - being too pushy drives people away.

Today is too hot - but this genius juice sure has cooled me down, as before I was sweating like a pig on ecstasy!

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Mr Die Hard

Minding my own beeswax met up with Noel and we bumped into Bruce Willis had some beer, chimichangas and a lotta laughs how coool!

£12bn quid!

Switched on the news last night to see yet another political nightmare unfolding, looks like we are lagging behind in the nuclear arms race, so we are going to waste £12bn quid on new submarines that can deploy these weapons at sea.

You should get your priorities right Brown and Blair and spend the money where it is needed, healthcare, education - things that really matter!

I have a suggestion for your next war - put down your guns, hire a few thousand trigger happy 14 year olds and have an international lan party playing BF2, the stakes are simple, you supply the pizzas,coke and a few bitches and you'll get the oil, democracy and £11.9bn saved!

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

A Bright Idea

Jeez, It's too hot to do anything. I watched an interesting program last night on C4 - "The Play's The Thing" I was absolutely gutted to find out about this - as I have written an idea for a play and would have liked to seen it on broadway!!!

Oh well - maybe next year!

Fell into a massive bramble bush with thorns and nettles at the weekend so i'm covered head to toe in scratches and bumps! It was not a nice feeling - did remind me of an incident when I was about 10 and I feel off a giant rope swing into some nettles... that was a similar not nice feeling!

Friday, April 21, 2006

Feeling low - help me out!

Hi fellow bloggers,

It's been a time since I last did a post - I have been busy trying to find a job after redundancy. I'm finding it hard at the moment because my skill set is so varied. I'm not specialised in one particular software application or field, I'm multi-skilled... why is it so difficult.

I'm not naturally a designer - I like technical things - design if I have to - I tend to find that a designer needs lots of time to do a good job - and normally I never have time.

These days I do have lots of time and I am getting back into design.

I'm feeling pretty low at the moment, it's been 2 months since redundancy day and I am still jobless. If you feel pitty for me - please donate some money to my happiness fund. You can use PayPal!

I know that there must be some bloggers on here with a cool million in the bank dwindling away gathering interest... This aint begging - its blogging! It's up to you if you want to donate - if you do - thank you! If you don't - no worries!

Happiness is not a fish you can catch! "OLP"

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

One of those dayz

Things really do come in three`s - today was lifting day. Firstly I had the opportunity of lifting a baby in pushchair up the stairs to the train platform - on this occasion I passed as I didn't want to injure myself prior to my interview. Then I arrived at London Victoria, I was despo for the loo and there was a woman with an enormous suitcase trying to lift it over the barrier, so I ended up helping out. Then after my interview - which was a tad bizarre I was walking down a backstreet to Covent Garden when a man asked me to load a pallet of meat onto his shoulder - so I obliged, I just hope that one good turn for another equals a good turn for me!

Friday, March 17, 2006


Oh my dayz. I had to sign on, on wednesday. It was an experience and a journey that I will never forget. If you can avoid becoming unemployed then please do so, the life of a 24/hr slacker is not as good as the shell-suit boys and girls make it out to be.

My journey started on the 10:53 train to Bedford, a ticket inspector was quizzing a youth about not having a ticket, the youth in question was not giving up any ID or proof of address. So the inspector said shall I call the Police then and have them deal with you. The lad replied "do what you F**ing want". After reporting the incident to the Police the Youth decided to give the inspector a false address and got off the train at Haywards Heath.

I had to get off here too, the youth and his girlfriend ran down the stairs quickly as the inspector told the police he did not need them, however they said they were already outside the station and requested a description of the youth.

On my way out the lad was being arrested for failing to produce a ticket and swearing /becoming violent with the police. I had to laugh my head off...

Got to the job centre... had to wait twenty mins to be seen - during that time the first fight kicked off. Some man had been offered 15 job interviews over the past 2 weeks - each of them he did not apply for or make any effort to get in touch - for some strange reason he was sending his CV to people who were not looking for employees! Confused? I was!

The lady dealing with it was shouting at him and getting really upset, I was praying that she was'nt dealing with me!

Finally my turn, I'd been asking for a Mr X - and it turned out it was a Mrs X - eek - silly people had put the wrong name on the form - I bet they do that to make you look thick!

I got the weird woman out of all the people working there. One of those that has weird eyes, doesn't look at you and instead looks into the clouds while speaking. Anyway I was happy chatting away, when the lady who had got upset with the man from before was slagging off another jobseeker by saying "he reckons that warehouse work is beneath him, cause he has two F**king degrees..., I don't know why I bother, I really don't" I was at this point thinking that signing on might have been a bad idea.

Getting into looking for jobs - I had picked a strange career choice and the lady was having difficulty finding me suitable employment - all of a sudden she looked right at me and started shouting - I'm not seeing you now - your late - you'll have to come back tomorrow. I thought she was shouting at me, I turned round and there was a youth in a hoody looking pretty pissed off with her - saying that he had been at the police station and that he could not attend. The woman asked him had he any proof - he said "yeah, my dad is outside parked on double yellow, he'll tell you", the woman asked why he had been at the station, "got done for possesion, so can I f**king sign on or not" The woman said no shreaking at him, and he kicked off - shouting and swearing, then his dad came in and he started fighting with his dad in front of everyone - I was thinking that maybe I had come to the wrong place at this point.

After they had gone to argue in the hall way my interview continued, we were still searching for jobs until we were rudely disturbed again by a man shouting at one of the job centre women, "don't you dare f**king tell me what I can and can't do, I've been without benefits for a month now cause you lot have F**KED up!!!" the lady was explaining to him that he shouldnt park on double yellow and should make alternative transport arrangements to visit the office, his lack of judgement in the travel department was not there fault, however they did admit to the benefit system mis-behaving - and told him that his benefit would be paid in tomorrow - he still was not happy, standing up swearing, going red with anger... the woman told him that if he did not calm down he would be escorted out and may loose his benefit - I don't think that was the best tactic, as he kicked the door and stormed out in a rage.

I asked my interview woman if it's always like this, and she said mostly... makes the job more exciting. Before leaving she gave me two totally obscure jobs to apply for, a night receptionist in a hotel 20 miles away, and a night auditor - neither of which I have any experience of nor did I feel the need to apply.

I just hope a job comes up soon - not sure that I could cope with her shreaking at me, I was scared! Very scared!

Monday, February 27, 2006

Money for Nothing

So I finally aspired to my life long dream of being able to play Dire Straits - Money for Nothing. Today I am told that I have been given the shove by my new employers.

The irony is that I might be moving Microwave ovens, refridgerators and colour tv`s now for a living.

I'm so frakking pissed off - well and truly shafted!

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Devil Deliveries

I seem to be experiencing a few problems with deliveries recently - firstly some flowers for valentines day did not arrive at their destination due to a mechanical failure on the van!

They wanted to deliver them again on the 15th - where is the point in that, the day is over - and i'm the one that has to mop up those tears!

Then I had to deliver some work to a client - when I got there, there was no one around to receive the package so I had to post it through the door - when I got to work there was a ranting email asking where the frak was the package, oh my dayz not again, apparently the client had not looked for it - instead decided to rant on email about the tightness of the deadline to all involved - great thanks!

Finally, today I was having a package to be redelivered from the day before - I was told it would come with the mail, which normally arrives at 8:40 - I waited till gone 10 and it still hadn't arrived!


Friday, February 10, 2006

Fiddle my banjo!

Same usual day at the office, same unusual journey on the train home!

You know those really irritating young boys on the tube who play accordians - the same tune over and over, thank Ken for the fiddle man and his banjo playing friend!

Tonight we were blessed with three tunes, a jig, a barn dance and an Irish folk song!


Emma is due back from Atlanta tomorrow cannot wait to see her - good times ahead, good times ahead!

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Yeah baby yeah!

I'm back in business got a new blogging device T-mobile didn't want me to leave them so they gave me a free pocket pc and half price line rental. Oh my days this is damn good can even use msn on the train!

Ill never be out of chars again as I now have pocket word at my disposal as well as an array of neat tools - like wi-fi!

I haven't read the instructions yet but this is one hell of a phone and has a built in qwerty keyboard!

I feel so at home being able to blog wirelessly anywhere again, yeah baby yeah!

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Out of Chars!

I have been trying to keep my mind occupied by writing my new book - I'm going for a feature length book - which has comedy in it - drama and romance of course!

My Blackberry has been my writing friend, until I was halfway through Chapter Three when I received a message Out of Characters - Field Full GDI - my creative flow was interferred with!

It would appear that I am only allowed a limited number of Characters (Chars) per memo - which is GAY! with a capital G!

So now Chapter 3 is split over memos! - I may have to invest in a PDA or something - I sold one recently for a PSP, now I need it back again!

I hear you - "Why Can't he just use pen and paper" answer: 1. I'll no doubt loose it for a few years - beating myself up about it, like what happened to my next poetry book which is to be released later this year, thank you Emsy for finding it! 2. My writing is terrible, it was once said that it is like a spider that has a pen attached to each of its legs / arms whatever you want to call them... and is writing simultaneously with all of them! 3. Doesn't have an automatic spell checking facility!

What a quandary!


Emma my love Queen is in Atlanta at the moment - training with her new team! One whole week of luxury accomodation. I'm feeling a bit lost without her at the moment, the house feels so empty - I know I have Cookie and Muffin to keep me company and Geoffry and George, however they don't talk to me - It's driving me insane!!!

I suppose that's what real love is, when one goes away for an extended period of time, the other is left wondering what that person is doing. It's true - you really don't know what you have got till it's gone!

Missing you Emsy!!!

Thursday, January 19, 2006

The last word

It's so troo, I'm disconnecting from my faithful blueberry service, therefore my train blogging will be kept to a minimum or absolute non.

I have been told I can have a company mobile, however when I saw the Nokia 1100 (hope that's right) I quickly started to doubt my blogging capabilities, just hope we get the Qtech's... Watch this space.

It's coming round to that time of year when I need to start promoting my book again, Valentines day, as I now work in Covent Garden I'm going to try and hand out information to passers by, let's see if that drums up any interest, I have also applied to BBC Radio 3 to appear on their show the Verb, let's see what happens here...

Exciting times ahead - yeah baby yeah!
Sent with Instant Email from T-Mobile

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Bells and whistles

Its great at my new job, got an extremely nice package deal and a nice 17inch PB - felt a tad gutted when I heard about the MacBookPro - however it will probably crash and explode before too long... So I'll wait for a new version in the coming years, as my grandma would say beggars can't be choosers.

Hope your all having a good new year, I'll try and log on more to write you guys, I'm thinking of writing a new book soon - I did try comedy but could only come up with one chapter - I am now toying with an idea sci-fi horror... See where it takes me.

Lot of things going on at the moment - work, editing wedding videos, planning a wedding video and a "maybe" money spinning idea for some pocket money so that should be good!

Just bought a digital camera it has an 8 smega pixel ccd and built in wi-fi so I won't need to hunt for a usb cable if I need to offload some images - good eh! Its the Nikon P1 incase you are interested!
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