Friday, April 21, 2006

Feeling low - help me out!

Hi fellow bloggers,

It's been a time since I last did a post - I have been busy trying to find a job after redundancy. I'm finding it hard at the moment because my skill set is so varied. I'm not specialised in one particular software application or field, I'm multi-skilled... why is it so difficult.

I'm not naturally a designer - I like technical things - design if I have to - I tend to find that a designer needs lots of time to do a good job - and normally I never have time.

These days I do have lots of time and I am getting back into design.

I'm feeling pretty low at the moment, it's been 2 months since redundancy day and I am still jobless. If you feel pitty for me - please donate some money to my happiness fund. You can use PayPal!

I know that there must be some bloggers on here with a cool million in the bank dwindling away gathering interest... This aint begging - its blogging! It's up to you if you want to donate - if you do - thank you! If you don't - no worries!

Happiness is not a fish you can catch! "OLP"

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