Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Little Grips

1. Do you hate it when someone tries to educate you on a subject that you obviously know more about?

2. Do you hate it even more when that person tries to imply that they know what they are talking about by adding some technical jargon into the conversation to try and make you believe that they "DO" know what they are talking about and they are not "BLUFFING" their way through a conversation and looking like a prat at the same time?

I do. (Hate it!)


Okay, I now need some answers, any mind reading, future knowing all seeing eyes out there need to listen up!

1. Several years ago I wrote what I think is an amazing collection of poems, that maybe the world is now ready for, however I have misplaced the book, it was typed and bound with a yellow cover. I remember placing it in a safe place (that ole chesnut) and seeing it again recently, yet I cannot for the life of me find it anymore!

So my questions are where has it gone?

Where did I put if for safe keeping?

Who stole it and is now making money from it?

Who chucked it out thinking it was. a bunch of paper?

Did someone burn it?

Was it an accident?

Thanks, I look forward to receiving your comments and spiritual guidance!

Peace out!
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Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Criminal Damage

I witnessed something shocking today involving a clamping truck and an employee of Islington council.

They were collecting and towing away a car that had been parked illegally. I would say they had instructions to clear the car and take it to the pound, not to pick it up, smash the window in, drag the chain across the car scratching the paintwork off it, and then crush the front of the car with the crane!

Word of advice don't park your car in the borough of Islington and collect is late as you might find it fubar when you come to reclaim it!
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Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Raid of the last ark!

I think my worst nightmare has happenend, the 5g at work lost its connection to the raid drive, and I could see a blinking light on all of the drives sequentially - please god of silicon heaven don't let the sun go down on me!
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Monday, October 03, 2005

Suit you sir!

Noel what were you thinking wearing that suit today?

First day on the new job went a bit wrong, woke up 17mins before my train was due to depart, how I managed to get washed and dressed and on the train in time I'll never know - one thing I do know is that I must have sworn at least 50 times!

Then sat on the train, I forgot an important cable imperitive for a job, as luck would have it Noel brought his cable in on request, which was nice of him!

Got to work, arrived opened the iron door and then realised I hadn't picked up my key fob, so I had to wait like a lemon for someone to come and open the main door!

Grabbing some of my time back now, heading to my guitar lesson, missed it last week due to my appraisal, hope I didn't miss all the best bits!

Re-designed my site - fresh new colour, check it out and leave comments etc -

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