Monday, November 21, 2005

Long time - no blog!

Hello world!

A very gay starting point for all programmers of various languages, why?

Discovered the other day that Microsoft are giving free editions or cut down versions of their development softwares to hobbyists and students - so I quickly grabbed the whole caboodle in order to boost my knowledge. I have set myself a personal challenge to build on the quake 2 engine and make a office / stress relief game, not sure how long it will take or how far I can go with this software before I have to shell out some more money!!!

Fingers crossed I'll be leading the development team for Quake 10 before you know it!

I'm considering turning my new poems into songs and trying my luck at sending demos to record companies either as a band or a song writer, might have to find a voice other than mine, any takers or volunteers?

I'm quite interested in acquiring a new electric guitar - I fancy a Jackson flying V or something similar, I owned one once many years ago - that I won off a friend in a stupid bet, but then lost it again in another bet where the odds were stacked up against me, subsequently I don't believe in betting or make any references to it - just lands me in trouble, I miss my axe :(
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